Bible Study: John 15:1-8 - The Vine and the Branches

Theme: Abiding in Christ for Fruitfulness


Verse 1:

What does it mean for Jesus to be the "true vine"?
How does this metaphor portray our dependence on God?

Verse 2:

What does it mean for God to "cut off" branches and "prune" others?
How can we view challenges and difficulties in light of this verse?

Verse 3:

How does Jesus' word cleanse us?
How can we actively incorporate scripture into our lives?

Verses 4-5:

What does it mean to "remain" in Jesus?
How do you think this connection helps us bear fruit?
What are some ways we might disconnect from Jesus unknowingly?

Verse 6:

What is the consequence of not remaining in Jesus?
How can we strengthen our connection to ensure we stay fruitful branches?

Verses 7-8:

What is the connection between abiding in Jesus and answered prayers?
What kind of "fruit" is most important for Jesus and why?


Reflection Questions:

How can you personally apply the concept of abiding in Christ in your daily life?
Examine areas in your life where you might be like an unfruitful branch. How can you address those areas?
Think back to a time when you felt a strong connection to Jesus. What practices helped you cultivate that connection?
Have you ever experienced a time of feeling disconnected from Jesus? How did you reconnect?
How can you share the "fruit" of your faith with others?

This Bible study is designed to spark your own reflection and deeper understanding of the passage. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers. Let the Holy Spirit guide your exploration!