A Self-Examination Exercise for Recognizing the Cost of Discipleship:


Find a quiet space where you can focus without distractions.
Have a journal or piece of paper ready to write down your reflections.
Take a few deep breaths and center yourself in prayer or meditation.


1. Examining Your Priorities:

Write down your top 5 values or priorities in life.
How do these align with the teachings of Jesus and the call to discipleship?
Are there any areas where your priorities need to shift to follow Jesus more closely?

2. Assessing Your Willingness to Sacrifice:

Think of a recent situation where you had to choose between your own desires and following God's will.
What was the outcome? Did you experience any sacrifice or discomfort?
Are you willing to make similar sacrifices in the future for your faith?

3. Evaluating Your Service and Action:

Reflect on your involvement in service activities or acts of kindness for others.
How often do you actively put your faith into action?
Are there areas where you can increase your service and contribute more to your community or wider world?

4. Facing Challenges and Opposition:

Have you ever faced criticism or opposition for your faith? How did you handle it?
Are you prepared to face even greater challenges or persecution for your beliefs?
What steps can you take to strengthen your faith and resilience in the face of adversity?

5. Finding Joy and Purpose:

Despite the challenges, what brings you joy and fulfillment in your faith journey?
How does following Jesus enrich your life and offer a deeper purpose?
How can you share this joy and purpose with others to inspire them on their own journeys?

Additional Tips:

Take your time with each prompt and be honest with yourself.
Allow yourself to feel any emotions that may arise during your reflection.
Seek guidance from scripture, prayer, or trusted spiritual advisors if needed.
This is not a one-time exercise, but an ongoing process of self-awareness and growth.

Remember, recognizing the cost of discipleship is not about discouragement, but about aligning your life with God's purpose and experiencing the profound joy that comes from serving others and living authentically according to your faith.

May this exercise guide you on your journey of self-discovery and commitment to your spiritual growth.